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Experimental result in a sentence

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Sentence count:109Posted:2021-03-13Updated:2021-03-13
Similar words: experimentalexperimentallyexperimentalismexperimentalistexperimental modelexperimental errorexperimental designexperimental method
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91. It is obtained from the experimental result that Laplacian sharpening is more valid in image sharpening for infrared image of warship targets in sk...
92. The experimental result on ACE dataset shows the improvement of coreference resolution after adding selected background semantic knowledge.
93. Experimental result, such as excitation potential in Frank-Hertz experiment, can be quantitatively presented with least-squares fit instead of the average method.
94. The Bayes rule for minimum error and supervised parameter estimation for Gaussian mixture are used to solve the problem of threshold selection and get a good experimental result.
95. The studied results are close to the experimental result and the theoretical result obtained before.
96. Experimental result shows the improvement of the effectiveness of the inference system and it has the same security as the static inference control method.
97. Experimental result demonstrate that the method mitigates the impact of bandwidth variety and is also improves the quality of multimedia transmission service.
98. The experimental result shows that the normal pressure distribution on the surface of the model blade is a conicoid, the maximum of the normal pressure is in the middle of the model blade.
99. The experimental result showed that the pneumatic muscle system was nonlinear, low stiffness, and control VSC is not suitabl for the system.
100. The experimental result shows that this simple method is very effective for improving the quality of the reconstructed image.
100. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
101. The decision-making of dynamic power management is based on the predictive result of future idle period. The experimental result shows that the algorithm can predict idle...
102. The work done by a variable force was measured with multi functional experimental provision. The error analysis revealed that the experimental result is coincident with the theoretical result.
103. The experimental result shows that the accuracy is within acceptable scope, and the running rate is quick, so the method is feasible.
104. The experimental result shows that the method is fast and effective, and has been applied in the study of agrobiology.
105. A real time optical logic processor is presented, that can perform binary logic operations in parallel. Experimental result is given of the system as a half adder.
106. The experimental result shows that the sensitivity of photographic emulsion was increased appreciably.
107. In this paper, the gasoline recognition method and algorithm implementation are introduced. The experimental result shows the proposed technique is true.
108. The electron drift velocity N is given, which is in good agreement with experimental result.
109. Experimental result proves that the algorithm can improve the whole performance of the cluster system.
More similar words: experimentalexperimentallyexperimentalismexperimentalistexperimental modelexperimental errorexperimental designexperimental methodexperimental procedureexperimental conditionexperimental psychologyexperimentationexperimentexperimenterexperiment onfinal resultmental representationrandom experimentexperiment designscientific experimentcontrol experimentexpected resultthrough an experimentdesign of experimentsmental reservationfundamental researchnutrimentaldetrimentalincremental revenuemental retardation
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